Reading Program for Students
When students use Reading Plus, their mindset toward reading begins to shift. With its student-centered focus, Reading Plus encourages students to be active participants in their learning.

Student Choice, Control, and Accountability
The Reading Plus experience is personalized to each student’s interests and academic strengths—and builds cross-curricular content area knowledge.
The Reading Plus Student Dashboard, designed to maximize student engagement and communicate goals and progress, presents information that helps students understand how they are growing as readers.

Students self-select texts through eight interest filters that provide agency over reading material. Within each category, students will find a wide variety of texts from global sources that support building background knowledge in curriculum areas of STEM, social science, American civics, and literature.

Reading Plus teaches students “2,400 Words to Master,” a research-based compilation of cross-curricular academic vocabulary. Students master words through activities such as matching a vocabulary word with its synonym, selecting sentences where it is used properly, and completing sentences with members of its word family.

Students make connections between what they liked and what they learned.

Content to Help Students Build Connections Between Themselves and the World
Reading Plus’s approach to content, and the content itself, respects and reflects the experiences and cultures of all students, with special care for students whose backgrounds have historically been underrepresented. With this content, students build the background knowledge to better understand and connect with the world around them.