Reading Plus aligns with the WIDA Standards Framework and is a WIDA-certified resource for use with English language learners. The WIDA PRIME V2 correlation for the Reading Plus product was completed in April 2018.
Conducted by a WIDA-certified correlator, the Prime V2 correlation identifies how the components of the 2012 Amplification of the English Language Development Standards (K-12) and the Spanish Language Development (SLD) Standards (K-12) are represented in Reading Plus instructional materials.
Reading Plus is a comprehensive reading development program with a strong research foundation that addresses the critical dimensions of reading success for students in grades 3-12, including English learners.
The WIDA correlation supports research that Reading Plus is effective in raising achievement for English language learners.
The WIDA consortium works to promote equity in education for English language learners. WIDA developed the PRIME V2 (Protocol for Review of Instructional Materials for ELLs) to help educators with the task of selecting appropriate materials for English language instruction.
The PRIME V2 correlation found that Reading Plus excels in a variety of areas, such as:
- Presenting students with texts that match their proficiency levels
- Following state and national standards for language development
- Providing scaffolding supports to aid students in their progress
To learn more about using Reading Plus with English learners, view our brochure and read our research.