Reading Plus has been evaluated by multiple well-respected educational organizations. The results of these evaluations consistently show that educators can use Reading Plus with confidence.

The Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University found Reading Plus to have “strong evidence” to support ESSA.

The Reading Plus InSight assessment was reviewed by the National Center for Intensive Intervention (NCII) as an academic screener. NCII evaluated InSight across a range of technical standards and concluded that InSight had “convincing evidence” of validity, reliability, and classification accuracy.

The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) is a trusted source of scientific evidence on education programs and solutions that works to answer the question, “What works in education?” As part of the Institute of Education Sciences in the U.S. Department of Education, WWC reviews research, determines which studies meet rigorous standards, and summarizes the findings to inform decisions and improve student outcomes.

The Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) endorses Reading Plus—a research-based program that is proven to meet the needs of special education students.

Reading Plus is a WIDA-certified resource for use with English language learners. The WIDA PRIME V2 correlation for the Reading Plus product was completed in April 2018.

Digital Promise Learner Variability Product Certification
The Learner Variability Product Certification uses a competency-based learning framework, developed in consultation with Digital Promise’s Learner Variability Project advisory board, expert researchers, and nearly 50 educators across the United States. This Product Certification demonstrates that we have designed the Reading Plus program to support multiple factors that impact learning and provide features that educators and students can adjust themselves to meet their varying needs.

Digital Promise Research-Based Design Certification
Digital Promise launched the Research-Based Design product certification in February 2020. It uses a competency-based learning framework developed in consultation with the nonprofit’s Learner Variability Project advisory board, expert researchers in the learning sciences field, and nearly 50 educators across the United States. To meet the Research-Based Design product certification criteria, Reading Plus proved that it consulted research about learning to inform product design; developed a theoretical framework, such as a logic model or theory of change, grounded in this research to drive product planning; and that it publicly communicates the program’s research basis.