More than $500 million of federal funds are now available to help disadvantaged students through the Striving Readers grant, also known as the Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) grant. Now is the time to be diligent while reviewing and selecting your next reading intervention program.
We presented a free webinar about how your application can meet the requirements of the grant. Read our highlights below.
Webinar Recap: Meeting the Requirements of the Striving Readers/CLSD Grant
Reading Plus presented the “Meeting the Requirements of the Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) Grant” webinar on Feb. 11, 2020. Our presenters were Julane Whipple and John Ferrara.
- Julane Whipple has collaborated on hundreds of funding related projects at the national, state, and local levels over the past 22 years. She has experience as a grant writer, reviewer, and evaluator.
- John Ferrara is a member of the Reading Plus Research Department. He began his career as a middle school math teacher and later helped the Vermont Department of Education implement Vermont’s first state-wide assessment program.
In this webinar, we discussed:
- The requirements of the Stirving Readers/CLSD Grant
- How Reading Plus aligns with the grant
- Components of Reading Plus that make it high-quality curriculum
- The research and efficacy behind Reading Plus
Reading Plus Meets Grant Funding Requirements
Reading Plus is a perfect fit for the Striving Readers grant. Reading Plus is a comprehensive reading development program with a strong research foundation that addresses the critical dimensions of reading success for all students, including disadvantaged students. Research shows that Reading Plus produces significant achievement gains for disadvantaged students, including English learners (ELs) and students with learning disabilities (LD).
We created a helpful guide to show how Reading Plus meets highlighted criteria of the CLSD/Striving Readers grant.

Reading Plus and Education Funding
In addition to Striving Readers/CLSD, Reading Plus meets the guidelines of many other education funding sources including Title I, Title III (EL), IDEA, 21st CCLC, well-rounded schools, Carl Perkins, and more. Visit our funding page to learn more.