Research & Results

Reading Plus is an evidence-based adaptive reading intervention and improvement program with a large research portfolio that demonstrates statistically significant effects on improving student outcomes. The program has been extensively validated in a wide range of districts and populations.

The Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University found Reading Plus to have “strong evidence” to support ESSA. Learn More

Strong Evidence fo ESSA

Learn More About Our Research and Results:


Reading Plus is based on a solid research foundation and is proven to improve reading achievement for diverse populations of students. It has been validated across a wide range of districts and schools, approaches to intervention, and major student subpopulations.

Success Stories

The most valuable way to understand the effectiveness of Reading Plus is from educators who have first-hand experience with the program. Numerous stories from schools and districts provide insight into how Reading Plus helps students accelerate reading growth.

Alignments & Correlations

To ensure reading success, all students need to perform to high standards. Alignments to rigorous curriculum frameworks and correlations to commonly used assessments help ensure that Reading Plus provides the best learning outcomes for all students.


Reading Plus has been evaluated by multiple well-respected educational organizations. The results of these evaluations consistently show that educators can use Reading Plus with confidence.